
The is a secondary blog for Warhawke's Vault Book Blog. This blog is used for promotional posts only. For reviews and special posts, visit Warhawke's Vault Book Blog primary blog by clicking the logo above.

Once upon a time, I was an 8 years old girl who discovered the joy of reading. As a girl I read countless fairytales that took me into a happy cheerful fantasy world. But as I reached the age of 10, school friends thought I was weird for not liking to watch TV. So to be part of the group, I abandoned my books and got glued to the TV set forgotten all about my beautiful princesses, handsome princes and wonderful castles.
But fate works in a wonderful way. In late 2012 I bought a novel. It took me 4 months to actually start reading it, but once I was done I was once again smitten by the wonderful world of literature. But since growing up, I rather read dark, disturbing, heartbreaking books because even though it hurts, it hurts so good.

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